Rotarians still helping 116 years later

Some good news! 

Feb. 23, 2021 marked the 116th anniversary of the world’s first Rotary meeting. On that date in 1905, four individuals, each of a different background and different vocation met for dinner in the spirit of friendship and fellowship.

No one knows exactly what went on at that meeting, but within 2 years, Rotary began to change the world by becoming the world’s first service club.

Over the 11 decades, everything has changed except Rotary values. Rotarians are a people of action, committed to fellowship, integrity, diversity, service, and leadership. Since 1911, the Service Above Self motto has echoed what had already been ingrained by Rotary’s founders in 1905.

Today there are between 1.2 million and 1.3 million Rotarians, organized into more than 35,000 clubs covering 6 continents and most of the world’s countries. It is almost unbelievable how much Rotary has accomplished in the last 116 years in Rotary’s 6 areas of focus – promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, child and maternal health, education, and local economic development. It is equally unbelievable how much further there is go. 

In Marlin, Rotary International and Rise Against Hunger is joining hands in the effort to end world hunger by 2030. This collaborative assembly-line  packing for distribution event, hosted by Marlin’s Rotary Club, is scheduled for March 13, 2021.  It will be held at the Marlin Men’s Civic Association building, 1106 North Business Hwy 6, Marlin, TX 76661, beginning at 8:00 a.m. 

Together, Rotarians throughout the city of Marlin celebrated on Tuesday the 23rd by proudly wearing the distinguished  Rotary pin.  More than likely when asked to explain to someone about that pin, “What is Rotary?”  Here was the perfect 10-second answer. “Rotary is the world’s oldest and most important service organization.  It provides clean water to those without it, feeds the hungry, battles crippling, debilitating and disfiguring diseases and helps people learn to read and write so they can compete in the modern workplace.”  (PDG Scot Clifford, District 5790)

 In respect to the original four members, it is possible that Margaret Mead’s famous quote applies more to them than anyone: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”

Again, Happy Birthday, Rotary. 


The Marlin Democrat

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