Food Bank Changes

The Central Texas Food Bank will be in Marlin on April 24 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

It will be in the area behind the Chamber of Commerce building and will be accessible at the corner of Chambers and Oaks Street Only. 

You must enter off from the North, at Capps Street and Oaks Street for the drive thru.

Starting at the corner of Chambers and Oaks, drivers will form a line on Oaks Street, travelling south.

At Capps Street, the line will form on the east side of the intersection, where drivers will be travelling west on Capps. 

Oaks Street will be blocked at Coleman Street, as well as Chambers Street will be closed at the intersection of Chambers and Carter Street.

Both intersections will have volunteers directing traffic to Capps Street.

See the map at above for a visual of where the line will form. 

The Marlin Democrat

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
Fax:(254) 883-6553