Marlin Lions Club begins new year

It was the fourth Tuesday of the month, July 27, 2021, and the Lions Club of Marlin assembled, poised to begin the new club year of service to its community. Lions take action to make their community better through kindness. 

New President John Armstrong addressed the focal areas of service and scheduled the events to serve: 1) Diabetes – Lions serve to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those diagnosed. 2)Vision - Lions serve to prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired. 3) Hunger - Lions serve to ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods. 4) Environment – Lions serve to sustainably protect and restore our environment to improve the well-being of its community. 5) Childhood Diabetes - Lions provide support for the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer through impactful service activities. These causes present significant challenges to humanity, and Lions stand prepared to meet them.

Over the last 100 years, the kindness of Lions and Leos has multiplied across borders, oceans, and continents. Marlin Lions are a part of these 1.4 million caring men and women.

New officers for Marlin Lions Club are President John Armstrong, Vice President Douglas Langston, Treasurer Lisa Langston, Secretary Patti Kalmbuch, Public Relations Chair Letitia Estep, 1-Year Director David Lawson, 2-Year Director Jerry Wood, Membership Chair Mike McGouirk, Car Show Chair Jay Elliott with accompanying Motorcycle Show Chair Letitia Estep, and Raffle and Vision Chair Lisa Lankford. 

At the heart of Lions clubs there is one constant: service. Consistently, they host Pancake Breakfasts and Raffles for scholarships for high school graduates, Boys and Girls Clubs, and Lions Camp; Automobile and Motorcycle Shows for benefit of Boys and Girls Clubs and Lions Camp. They coordinate and make possible the Our Fallen Tribute Towers in Marlin. They conduct vision screenings, collect used eyeglass frames for new prescriptions, support Leader Dog for the Blind, and collect clothing and necessary items for Children’s Protective Services. Marlin Lions work at the monthly food truck to help feed the hungry, clean and paint Uptown Marlin street curbs, collect gifts for Toys for Kids, and place U.S. flags on major holidays and national celebrations. They write letters to nursing home residents and participate in fundraising efforts for Children’s Cancer Unit of Baylor-Scott and White in Temple. Lions provide and man concession stands at Youth Livestock Fair, distribute drinking water, and support newly formed Lions Clubs. 

Consider becoming a Lion, joining a community of good. There are over 48,000 Lions clubs around the world. Each is filled with individuals who’ve decided to take action and serve others. Lions form unique friendships and meaningful connections that can last a lifetime. 

Visit and message your questions via Marlin Lions Club-Home/Facebook. Marlin Lions Club meet every second and fourth Tuesday at The Chicken Place, 504 Bridge Street, Marlin.


The Marlin Democrat

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
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