It’s time for Marlin ISD contract renewals

A number of positions open for 20-21

The Marlin ISD board of managers discussed a number of subjects relating to employee contracts and changes for next school year.

The board discussed the addition of two positions; a third counselor and an athletic trainer. There was little discussion on the subject of an additional counselor, but board members had questions about the addition of an athletic trainer. 

There was no one in the position this school year, which was a cause of concern for both parents and students in athletics. When deciding between offering a full-time and part-time position, it was questioned how the district normally does it.

In years past, there has been a teacher or staff member that doubles as an athletic trainer, but as yet, all current applicants are looking for a full time athletics position.

“We’ve never had a full-time athletic trainer,” said Pat Lewis, Marlin ISD CFO. “ At least not in my time here.” 

It was cited by both Danny Vickers and Byrleen Terry that though it was many many years ago,  the position did exist at one time. 

Vickers made the motion to accept the addition of both positions, with Terry seconding and the motion passing three to none. 

After a time-consuming closed session, the board reconvened to take action on a number of contracts. 

Both Pam Thomas and William Jackson were approved as administrators, Jackson working with EAP and human resources. John Simmons was approved as Chief of Police for next school year as well. 

Contracts for the current Director of Special Education, D.A.E.P. Administrator, L.S.S.P, and Speech Pathology and Diagnostician with the Falls Education Cooperative were considered as well. All contracts were approved as presented.

The consideration regarding recommendation to terminate the probationary contract of Dr. Sharon Deloach at the end of its term was also heard during the closed session, but it was left with a result of no action. This came after a public comment was submitted by Deloache and was not able to be heard at the start of the meeting due to policy restrictions. Though it is unknown what her comments were, according to the Texas Association of School Boards, “no action” can be taken on contract renewals in the event of a retirement or resignation. 

The discussion on the Marlin Elementary School principal position was tabled. The position opened halfway through the school year and is currently held by Dr. Jean Bahney on direction from Education Commissioner Mike Morath.

According to Bahney, the Board decided to table that item in order to allow Marlin’s incoming superintendent , Dr. Daryl Henson, to be involved with the decision once his contract is officially signed late this month.

“We have to be sure the superintendent and that new staff member get along,” she told reporters. “There may also be more applicants that follow him here.”

The consideration of the organizational chart for 2020-2021 was tabled as well, assumedly in an effort to be sure that Dr. Henson can be involved in that planning process too. 

There is still a question of whether MISD will be open next school year, but only due to the lack of an official document that says it will stay open. There is currently an informal review underway, but the results have not yet been received. 

In the last informal review performed, it was stated that MISD would be judged on their next round of “testing scores.” Because there are no scores this year due to COVID-19, the Texas Education Commission has already stated that all districts and campuses will receive the same scores as last year. 

“We were showing improvement until all this started,” Bahney said.

Hopefully, that means that the TEA will be willing to renew the current abatement.

Head to for more information on Marlin ISD and its current status.

The Marlin Democrat

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