Marlin ISD designates positions for 2020-2021

Six positions were filled during a regularly scheduled meeting of Marlin ISD Board of Managers on Friday, May 29.

Stacy Parker was named as the Director of Student Services. Demeka Simmons will be the new principal for Marlin Junior Academy. Sheila Henderson was named as both the Marlin High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director. Nikisha Edwards is the new Marlin Elementary Principal and Maddie Griffin will be a Speech Pathologist with the Falls Education Cooperative.

Byrleen Terry made the motion to approve the above contracts, seconded by Billy Johnson. The motion passed unanimously. 

During the same meeting, an investment policy resolution was approved, board members went through a cyber security training, Dr. Daryl Henson gave the superintendent’s report, and the consent agenda was approved as presented. Head to or to the Marlin ISD Facebook page to keep up to date with the district.

The Marlin Democrat

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