Commissioners discuss ARPA funds, other topics
The Falls County Commissioners Court met at the County Courthouse on Monday, March 25, with County Judge Jay Elliott presiding. Commissioners present were Milton Albright (Pct. 1), F.A. Green (Pct. 2), Jason Willberg (Pct. 3). Nita Wuebker (Pct. 4) was not in attendance.
Regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Jerri Gauntt of Grantworks, reported several non-profits were not in compliance noting funds allocated had not been spent. A letter of intent will be mailed to those businesses with further details. Since ARPA capital will continue to be used for Road & Bridge projects, Gauntt explained the need to complete a Request for Proposal (RFP) packet for a two-year bid with specifics.
In other matters, Commissioners approved a contract with Zip Air, LLC for an air conditioner repair and accepted the Falls Co. Sheriff’s Office Racial Profiling Report. Sharon Scott, Falls County Child Protective Services Board member, voiced in order to have a quorum, and actively engaged, there is a need for additional board members. Commissioners approved the names presented.
Commissioners approved the updated $13,000 estimate from Sanchez Driveways concerning the WW II Memorial concrete work. Also approved was the contract with EMEX, LLC, a division of Manis Innovation, for the purpose of securing an electricity contract with a 6.3 rate for seven years. It was agreed Judge Elliott will sign the contract.
In meeting the water supply needs of Falls County, the Commissioners approved to hire an experienced engineering firm to create a comprehensive water guide. Its responsibilities would involve completion of the WaterSMART application consisting of two grants, managing monthly Water Resources meetings and compiling requests from those meetings. Supported by US Congressman Pete Sessions, if received, would better position Falls County to access Proposition 6 funds that will be going into the Texas Water fund and with Texas Water Development Board (TDB) when applying for grants.
Commissioner Albright moved to approve the payments of all bills, budget amendments and reimbursements and transfers. Seconded by Commissioner Green, the motion was carried. Commissioner Willberg motioned to approve the minutes of the last two meetings. Seconded by Commissioner Green, the motion was carried. After all agenda items were discussed, Judge Elliott adjourned the meeting.