Commissioners discuss several topics

The Falls County Commissioners Court met at the County Courthouse in Marlin on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023, with County Judge Jay Elliott presiding. Commissioners present were Milton Albright (Pct. 1), F.A. Green (Pct. 2), Jason Willberg (Pct. 3) and Nita Wuebker (Pct. 4).

Concerning the American Rescue Plan (ARP) it was discussed that some of the recipients received the allocated grant funds but have not completed the process, like turning in receipts. All receipts should have been submitted within a 90-day time frame. For some, funds were received and spent 10-13 months ago but did not complete the paperwork. Mailings will be sent to the recipients January 2024.

 The $79,772.13 Indigent Health Care payment was presented. Commissioner Albright moved to pay the amount due. Seconded by Commissioner Green, the motion carried.  Kayci Nehring, Tax Assessor-Collector explained tax discrepancies generated by kinks in the Net Data software. Each file was manually reviewed. Falls County Treasurer, Sheryl Pringle, presented action items concerning recommended county investments. Commissioners agreed to a six-month CD renewal of funds for three excess sales tax accounts; a six-month CD renewal of funds for three American Rescue accounts and a three-month CD renewal of funds for two additional American Rescue accounts and two Budget Stabilization accounts. 

Commissioner Wuebker moved that Attorney Sharp re-examine the Blevins Solar Road use agreement and once approved, Judge Elliott was given permission to sign the contract. Seconded by Commissioner Willbert, the motion carried.  Commissioner Green moved to purchase thirty-nine “Trolleys” to transport voting equipment. Seconded by Commissioner Albright, the motion carried. The Commissioners also approved the Canvassing of the Nov. 7 Election.

The Commissioners accepted recommendations of the amended plan of selecting persons for jury service submitted by Judge Bryan Russ, Jr, 82nd Judicial District Court.  Commissioner Willberg moved to accept the Falls County Appraisal District Board of Directors nominees as Jesse Martinez, Shirley Melton, and Linda Mitchell. Seconded by Commissioner Green, the motion was carried. In addition, Commissioners voted to enroll employees to a Cybersecurity course training. This includes employees who have access to a government computer or database and use a computer to perform at least twenty-five percent of their duties.

In other matters, the Commissioners approved Dec. 15 for the County Employee Luncheon at the MMCA building.  Commissioners voted to accept two large Christmas wreaths from the Palace Theatre that were gifted by Richland Mall. The wreaths will be placed on the Courthouse exterior.

Jeff Jackson, Road & Bridge Administrator, presented updates still depicting manpower shortage. He confirmed inmates will assist with the electronic collections Nov. 18. Sheriff Lopez agreed to switch vehicles by giving his Black truck to Road & Bridge and was willing to drive one of the County’s Tahoe’s while waiting for the new vehicles. It was noted that new Tahoe’s have been ordered, but company is still waiting on emergency lights to be installed.

Motioned by Commissioner Albright and seconded by Commissioner Willberg, Commissioners approve the payment of bills, including reimbursements, late charges, transfer of cash/funds from any line item or department to another. Motion carried. Commissioner Wuebker and seconded by Commissioner Albright, the Commissioners agreed to approve the minutes of the prior meeting. Motion carried. With no further business, the meeting adjourned.

The Marlin Democrat

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