Faith, Hope and Charity 2nd Annual Mother-Daughter Tea

A 2nd Annual Mother-Daughter Tea Party was held at Faith, Hope and Charity “Concerned Citizens Organization for Youth, Inc.” at 405 E. First Street, Marlin, on May 4, from 3-6 p.m. 

In a delicate yet awe-inspiring setting with pastel balloons, silver, roichly dressed place settings, fine tablecloths and centerpieces, plus soft music as prelude, Shirley King-Piper welcomed mother and daughter guests, each dressed in formal attire. The theme was introduced: Faith, Hope, Evidence, Substance, and Cycle of Life.  

The introduction of the speaker was made by Mrs. Lear Alford/Pastor Tahael. The Guest Speaker was Minister Alfornette Times. Ms. Carrollethia White was the praise dance performer. 

Amidst the drawing and presentation of door prizes, there was also a nostalgic movement in recalling, “Do you remember mom’s favorite sayings?” Sayings such as, “Keep your hands to yourself,” “If you cannot say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all,” “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” “Waste not, want not,” and the ever so favorite, “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” were classic memories. Each remains imprinted in the child, each advised with love.

Of particular interest is  “Don’t get too big for your britches.” Leaning toward arrogance, one received this stern warning. This is great advice in the grown up world and business, too. When one has the self-awareness to realize that it’s not about self,  one is able to balance success with a level of humility and gratitude.

“Take a deep breath.” Countless mothers understand the power of that command. Taking a deep breath can give a relaxing break to consider a response and maintain sanity. And, “Set a good example,” because it was the right thing to do. And you know what? It still is.

Without mothers, the world would not have daughters - or sons! I heard it said, “My children were loaned to me by Creator God, because He trusted me, and He doesn’t make any mistakes.” Such is the God-given importance of the relationship between mothers and daughters. 

The best moms find a way to balance their skills to nurture, protect, and encourage their daughters (and sons), with the need to push and challenge them to step up and do their best. And by heeding their wisdom, maybe all can, too.

The 2nd Annual Mother-Daughter Tea Party was a momentous occasion not to be forgotten. A toast of sparkling apple juice was made for all mothers and daughters: their bond will forever be a dynamic one.

The Marlin Democrat

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