Falls County Commissioners discuss several topics

The Commissioners Court of Falls County met at the County Courthouse in Marlin on Monday, Feb. 28, with County Judge Jay Elliott presiding. Present were Commissioners Milton Albright (Pct. 1), Jason Willberg (Pct. 3), and Nita Wuebker (Pct. 4). Commissioner F.A. Green (Pct. 2) participated via conference call.

The Court went into Executive Session to discuss County of Falls V. Purdue Pharma, Inc. Upon resuming, Commissioner Wuebker moved to authorize the County Judge to execute order regarding settlement offers in the matter of Texas opioid multi-district litigation for the county in the matter of County of Falls V. Purdue Pharma, Inc. Motion carried. 

Since the Rosebud Tax Office no longer accepts cash transactions, only one clerk is required instead of two. Commissioner Albright motioned to accept the change in number of clerks. Motion carried. 

Commissioner Albright moved to accept the $8,500 lease purchase quote for additional equipment on newly leased county vehicles. Motion carried.  

Commissioner Wuebker moved to approve Sheriff Deputy Mieshia Banks and Jessica Ehlers, DA Office, as representatives of the HOT Regional Sexual Assault Team. Motion carried. It was moved by Milton Albright to approve excess proceeds from tax sales to be placed in the miscellaneous revenue account. Motion carried. 

After much discussion, Commissioner Albright moved to authorize setting date of March 14, 2022, at 9 a.m. for a public hearing on the considering adoption of Guidelines and Criteria for Tax Abatement and to consider a resolution to elect to be eligible to participate in tax abatement agreements promoting economic development within Falls County, and publication of notice of the public hearing in local newspapers. Motion carried.  In addition, the court approved to retain legal counsel, Allison, Bass & Magee to assist with a pending Application for Tax Abatement with True North Solar, LLC.

Public comments were allowed including Eric Barnett, Senior Developer of Avangrid Renewables, LLC, prior to the decision to accept the Application for Tax Abatement from True North Solar, LLC, and to authorize setting date of April 11, 2022, for a public hearing and publication of notice of the hearing in the local newspapers. Motion was made by Commissioner Albright.

Jeff Jackson, Road and Bridge Administration, reported the department is working with TxDOT. Six bridges to build/repair have been identified. Updates on new internet contract were discussed. No action was taken.

Commissioner Albright moved to approve the payment of all bills, budget amendments, payroll and other department and non-departmental budgeted line items. Commissioner Willberg moved to accept the Feb. 14, 2022, minutes. After discussion of all agenda items, Judge Elliot moved to adjourn the meeting.









The Marlin Democrat

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