Marlin Chamber of Commerce plans for awards banquet

The Marlin Chamber of Commerce met June 12 at the Marlin Housing Board Room, President Jennifer Woycheshin presiding. Members in attendance were Candace Grams, Dr. Darryl Henson, Lori Jackson, Michael Magouirk, Elizabeth Richardson, Pastor Kurt Rutz, and Byrleen Terry.

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. The treasurer report was presented by Byrleen Terry. Michael Magouirk shared the State Water Development Board inspected and tested the Hot Mineral Water at the Pavilion. There was a drop in temperature. Feedback will follow. 

Elizabeth Richardson announced Tim Garden as the June Business of the Month and requested a replacement sign for Yard of the Month. It was suggested to consider a more durable material. Discussion for the 2023-2024 school year was to donate the Student of the Month signs to the recipients.

The theme for the 113th Chamber Awards Banquet is “Marlin, Looking Back” and scheduled Thursday, June 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Marlin Men’s Civic Association building 1104 Hwy. 6 North.  Former Kyle Kacal will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $20 or $30 per couple and may be purchased at the Chamber Office.

The Board approved new members Tracy Dimerson, Debra McDavid and Hermetta Paul. Incoming elected officers are Elizabeth Richardson, President, Dr. Darryl Henson, Vice President, Tracy Dimerson, Secretary, and Byrleen Terry, Treasurer.

The Marlin Democrat

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
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