Marlin ISD Board introduces new Board Manager

“Hispanic Heritage Month” was recognized at the regular meeting of the Marlin ISD Board of Managers was held Oct. 18 at the Marlin Middle School Library. 

Marsha Ridlehuber was introduced as the newly TEA appointed Board Manager. 

Recognitions for the month of October 2021 included: Employees of the Month-Gabriella Becerra and Kevin Smith, Lone Star Governance Teacher of the Month-Eula Jones and Principal Appreciation of the Month-Dr. Stacy Parker and Niki Edwards.

Closed session was conducted to discuss personnel matters.

The open session resumed with the Redistricting Plan presented by redistricting consultant Mike Morrison. 

“The 2020 census was not a typical count of American households,” Morrison said. “The process of collecting data took longer than usual because of COVID-19. There will be a need to re-balance trustee positions.” 

Several options were presented, and the Board was encouraged to consider what best serves the needs of the school district. The prison population was not included in the population variance.

Jesse Bustamante, Director of Human Resources and Special Education, reported a timeline on the Multipurpose Athletic Center including the laying of the track in December. 

Dr. Stacy Parker, Executive Director of Academics and Students Services, reported percentages on strengths and weaknesses in reading and math for PreK through High School and students on track. She noted grant funds for summer school will be utilized. 

Director of Curriculum Patrice Woodson and Lawrence Galloway shared the Lone Star Governance Goal Progress.

Superintendent Dr. Darryl Henson included in his report the need for architectural services for the locker room, auditorium, and exterior rusting. He proposed a Pre-Bond Planning Service to include a construction manager agent, debt management financial advisor and onsite consultation. 

Woodson requested class size waivers for two classes over the 22:1 ratio. Galloway noted an elevation in September expenses for instruction, library services and curriculum development. Funds were switched over to money market accounts at Bancorp South as discussed at the September meeting. 

Consent agenda item included the upgrade of district fleet with the purchase of a Suburban, Tahoe and pick-up Truck. The truck will be used to pull the band trailer; the other two vehicles are allocated for district-sponsored events, training, and professional development. Due to an increase in the extra-curricular population, the purchase of two district buses was proposed. Pre-allocation was approved in the 2020-2021 budget. The $315,000 Falls Education Cooperative payment was moved from general account to a grant. 

Byrleen Terry moved to approve all agenda consent items, seconded by President Billy Johnson. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned.


The Marlin Democrat

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