Marlin ISD parents and students expectations outlined
The Marlin ISD School Board of Managers met Sept. 11, 2023, at the Marlin Junior Academy Library with President Billy Johnson presiding. Board Managers present were Byrleen Terry, and Dr. Darryl Henson, Supt. of Schools. Board Manager Misty Ehlers was not present. Conservator Dr. Cynthia Wilson was onsite.
Ryan Edwards, 8th grade, was selected as the Lone Star Governance Student of the Month. John Elliott, 7th/8th grade ELAR teacher, Teacher of the Month. Shenita Gail Richmond received the Lone Star Governance Employee of the Month.
The Board of Managers proceeded into closed session for a deliberation of personnel matter.
The meeting resumed with Superintendent’s Reports.
Jesse Bustamante, Executive Director of Human Resources, presented the Bond 2022 updates. The phases were reviewed. Phase I (March 2023 to Sept. 2023) included Track & Field, Restroom Renovations, Field House Renovations (Title IX Compliance), and Concession Stands Renovations. Phase II (Dec. 2023-May 2024) outlined continued construction will launch after the end of the football season. This will include Grandstands, Press Box, Main Entrance/Parking/Site Work, Electrical Upgrades & Lighting/Scoreboard. The next Bond 2022 committee meeting will be Monday, Oct. 16, at 6:30 p.m.
Niki Edwards, Chief Academic Officer, presented the District Campus and District Improvement Plans (DIP) which serves as a blueprint for how the district will address the needs identified during the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). An effective DIP will bring focus and coherence to reform activities and help ensure unity of purpose, alignment, and clear accountability. The Vision 2025 Strategic Plan includes students first, communication, self-accountability, excellence, transparency, and goal oriented.
Edwards noted the Marlin ISD commitments and actions and Parent & Student Expectations: (1) Students must complete weekly assignments/assessments as outlined by the course syllabus (2) earn at least 70 percent on all assignments; (3) communicate immediately with the in-class facilitator if they need assistance with meeting their weekly course goals, (4)communicate immediately with their online instructor if they need assistance with the content and/or assignments presented in the course. (5) Students must meet the 90 percent attendance requirement, outlined by the state of Texas, and (6) actively participate in their course daily; (7) Parents/Guardians must login to their student’s online course portal to monitor their student’s progress and (8) communicate with Marlin High School campus administration via phone or email if there are any questions or concerns.
Dr. Stacy Parker Knight, Chief Operating Officer, followed with Operations Updates. Dr. Knight noted negative community and parental behaviors can have detrimental effects on public school operations. Goal is to implement strategies to foster positive relationships with effective communication, and conflict resolution process. Dr. Parker thanked the parents for showing up, navigating distractions, encouraging their child, supporting the district’s efforts, and aligning with the district for the success of their children.
The August 2023 Financial Reports was presented. The budget amendment will transfer funds to the appropriate function to address any over-extended accounts and/or accurately align finances to achieve goals. The district’s budget and expenditures must be in alignment with the guidelines set forth by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).
Dr. Henson presented the Falls County Extension Service Extracurricular Status Request.
Student Attendance requirements for student attendance accounting for state funding purposes allows public school students to be considered “in attendance” when participating in off-campus activities with an adjunct staff member of the school district. Forty-four Marlin High School meets the criteria.
This amendment provides school boards the opportunity to recognize County Extension agents as adjunct staff members and to count students participating in 4-H/Extension educational activities as “in attendance.” Adjunct Faculty Pasquale Swaner, M.S. and Rosondra Hartsfield, B.S.
Related to Bond 2022 Projects, Concrete Services, Sanchez Driveways, will purchase, supply and install 2600 square feet of cement ($45,000) close to the track field to give a finished look.
Johnson moved to accept the proposed agenda items. Seconded by Terry, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:56 p.m.