MISD board gets updates on construction projects
The Marlin ISD School Board of Managers (BOM) met Monday, Jan. 22, at the Marlin Middle School Library with President Billy Johnson presiding. Board Managers present were Misty Ehlers, Byrleen Terry, and Dr. Darryl Henson, Superintendent of Schools. Conservator Dr. Cynthia Wilson was on site.
The Board of Managers went into closed session to start the meeting. After returning from closed session, Superintendent Reports followed.
Jesse Bustamante, Executive Director of Human Resources, reviewed Bond 2022 updates. Track & Field are completed followed by next phase including demolition of press box, concession and ticket booth, scoreboard installation, and electrical work.
He said that even though suitable construction service bids were not received for the scoreboard project, the posting deadline was extended, and bids should be submitted by Feb. 6. MHS updates included asbestos abatement is progressing as well as furniture and item removal process. A vendor contract was presented at the meeting. There were no updates on the new gymnasium pending an agreed scope of work. The electrical work is pending due to vendor J & M Construction Services filing for bankruptcy.
Dr. Stacy Parker Knight, Chief Operating Officer, reported on MHS properties disposal and equipment and supplies management. A silent auction will be opened to the community Feb. 3.
For the Lone Star Governance Goal Progress, Dr. Parker Knight noted of the fifty-nine seniors, 81.4% have completed the expectations and 18.6 percent not completed the Texas College Bridge English course (TCB). In demonstrating college-level Math Proficiency, 76.3 percent seniors have completed the TBC Math and 23.7 percent not completed. With active monitoring of completion progress and senior parent conferences to discuss the course performance status, all should be on track to successfully complete the courses. Due to meeting other criteria for demonstrating college and career, there are no seniors pursuing an industry-based certification currently.
The 2023-2024 Academic Success and Communication report was presented by Nikisha Edwards, Chief Academic Officer, illustrating an analogy between traditional courses and semester courses. Traditional courses are teacher/content paced, one resubmission on tasks less than 70 percent and tests are based on schedule, not student readiness and is content taught. Semester courses are self-paced, multiple resubmissions, time management and prioritization, time for more challenging tasks and student taught. Course grading for both categories were presented.
Regarding 2023-2024 online course guidelines, it was explained that grades in the online portal will be updated weekly and will accurately reflect the student’s mastery of the assignment. Incomplete assignments will be reflected by a grade 0 percent and will be calculated into the student’s grade average. Grades in the parent portal will reflect a “P” (progressing) until the end of each six weeks. Once grades are submitted by TXVSN, the grade in the Parent Poral will be updated to accurately reflect the grade earned.
Dr. Stacy Parker Knight, Chief Financial Officer, provided the December 2023 financial activity for Board review and consent. Other 2023-3024 consent agenda items included Wellness Plan for the school nutrition program; vendor contract with Design-Build Services for MHS interior spaces renovations and new entrance, and a hand-sculpted bronze bulldog statue for new entrance of Legion Field based on quote by Big Statues. The MRB group submitted a proposal for full-service Architectural & Engineering services for proposed renovation and expansion of the MHS campus.
After consent items and minutes from the previous meeting were approved, it was moved/seconded that the meeting adjourn.