Rotary Club, John Barrett and Marlin’s Economic Development Corporation

The Economic Development Corporation, John Barrett, and the Rotary Club in Marlin have something in common. They agree that Marlin has an opportunity for an extraordinary bright future. Let’s begin with what is the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and who is John Barrett and what is his role in Marlin?

On Feb. 15, 2023, John Barrett addressed the Rotary Club at the club’s weekly meeting. The subject was the EDC, the truth, and why and how it will work. As is the custom of all presenters at Rotary Club meetings, he began by introducing and defining himself.

John Barrett is Irish; he was born in Ireland. He attended medical school and became a surgeon. Interested in gunshot wounds, he decided to come to America and in 1975, Dr. John Bareett joined Chicago Cook County Hospital’s specialized trauma unit, one of the busiest trauma centers in the nation attending over five thousand wounds a year. 

After retirement, John and Wife Kathleen retired and decided to move close to Waco where their daughter lived. They bought the Faulkner home in Marlin and have permanently lived in Marlin for three years. 

“I fell in love with Marlin. Going through the winter freeze a couple of years ago.” he said. “Without water or power, I saw people here helping one another.” 

He was moved to help, too, and soon after joined the team in revising the city charter.

The next goal was to help Marlin. The City of Marlin appointed a seven-member Board of Directors with authority to form a 4A EDC through the State of Texas and allow the use of a percentage of the sales tax portioned to the City of Marlin for economic development as an effective tool to promote economic development. A vision statement and a mission statement were written.

Vision Statement: That all of the residents of the City of Marlin will live in a safe healthy inclusive prosperous vibrant and sustainable community with respect and dignity for all.

Mission Statement: To improve the quality of life for the residents of the City of Marlin by facilitating and stimulating sustainable growth in production and consumption of goods and services in an environmentally and business friendly manner with inclusion and collaboration of all involved and with transparent fiscal responsibility being respectful of the concerns of all of the residents and the historic nature of the city.  (July 16, 2022)

A bit of history: The Texas Legislature passed the Development Corporation Act of 1979 which allows municipalities to create nonprofit development corporations that promote the creation of new and expanded industry and manufacturing activity within the municipality and its vicinity. The EDC operates separately from the municipality, with a board of directors to oversee its efforts and provide fiscal clarity. This corporation, in conjunction with industrial foundations and other private entities, will work to promote local business development.

In 1989, the Texas Legislature amended the Act by adding Section 4A, which allowed the creation of a new type of development corporation, which could be the imposition of a local sales and use tax dedicated to economic development.

In 1991 the Legislature authorized a Section 4B sales tax to be used by certain cities to promote a wide range of civic and commercial projects.

This does not mean an increase of sales tax in the City of Marlin, nor does the City lose anything. 

The Texas sales tax is 8.25 percent. Of that, the Texas Comptroller’s office presents the City of Marlin with 1.5 percent for its use. The City of Marlin and the EDC in Marlin have agreed that of the 1.5 percent, .25 percent can be apportioned to the EDC with the power to expend tax proceeds and 1.25 percent to the City of Marlin, by the Texas State Comptroller’s office.

The EDC in Marlin created a 4B EDC. The Section 4B tax can additionally fund projects that are typically considered to be community development initiatives. For example, authorized categories under Section 4B include, among other items, land, buildings, equipment, facilities, expenditures, and improvements for professional and amateur sports facilities, park facilities and events, entertainment and tourist facilities, and affordable housing.

These are all positive moves for Marlin. But none of this can be done without the support of the people of Marlin. 

In the May 6 election, the City of Marlin proposes to reduce its sales tax to 1.25 percent. The State of Texas Comptroller’s office then establishes a new sales tax for the City of Marlin and the .25 percent is forwarded to the EDC in Marlin. This process is critical. “Once the vote (if passes), the State of Texas Comptroller on January 24 sends the EDC its budget for 2024.

“Between now and May 6, we reach out and communicate why it (voting) is important to make this happen, The Rotary Club was ideal to lead this launch,” commented John Barrett, V.P. of the EDC. 

Rotary International, of which its Rotarians are at the center of the moving wheel, adheres to the 4-way test: Is it the TRUTH? · Is it FAIR to all concerned? · Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? · Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 

The truth is there are road repair projects throughout the city. The truth is it is filled with positive individuals and families working for better everything - a community providing safety, education, peace, commerce, and growth.

Another good thing: After voting “yes” to the change in appropriation of the sales tax to the City of Marlin and the EDC in May, the people of Marlin will be asked “what they want”. (John Barrett)  

The Rotary Club’s areas of focus are 1) Promoting peace. Rotary encourages conversations to foster understanding within and across cultures. ...2) Fighting disease. ...3) Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene. ...4) Saving mothers and children. ...5) Supporting education. ...6) Growing local economies. ...7) Protecting the environment.

The Rotary Club of Marlin appreciates the opportunity to support, following the Four-way test, its focus areas, the vision and plans for the community.




The Marlin Democrat

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