Rotary gifts books to children
On Thursday, December 14, 2023, 571 books were delivered to Marlin Elementary School for children in Daycare, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, and Second grades.
There were titles such as “Marvel Superhero Adventures”, “Raya the Last Dinosaur”, and Disney Mickey Mouse Dairy Farm Doozie”. There were books that doubled as coloring books and others that highlighted shapes, numbers, and letters.
Rotarian Jay Elliott, having spearheaded the acquisition of 571 books from H.E.B. - made possible by all Rotary Club of Marlin members, delivered and began their preparation for distribution.
Firstly, 571 labels bearing the Rotary brand were affixed on each book by MISD School Nurse Judy Morrow and Rotarians Jay Elliott and Letitia Estep!
Secondly, books were arranged and displayed by reading level. There were books in English, some in both English and Spanish, and a few in Spanish.
Thirdly, guided by the classroom teacher, each class proceeded past the stacks of 65 different titles! Each young student selected two books for his- or herself.
Lastly, each young student was complimented on his/her choice and the student’s name was written inside of his/her books.
These youngest of students were told the books which they had selected were a gift, to take them home, and to enjoy them during the Christmas season. Marlin Rotary Club President Letitia Estep encouraged, “Keep reading forever and ever.”
Why books? Books stimulate children’s sensory awareness, help children to see, hear, taste, feel, and smell on an imagined level. Reading enhances brain development; the brain literally becomes stimulated when a child learns to read. Reading, beginning with being read to, facilitates language development and literacy.
Books have other astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun! Children’s books can help foster empathy and compassion from an early age. Stories can enlighten little ones about the confusion and fear others may be feeling.
By reading a variety of books, children can learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience and develop the skills to deal with something new.
What is the benefit of children having books at home? A two-decade long study found that the mere presence of a home library increases children’s academic success, vocabulary development, and their attention to details.
Rotary International through all of its 46,000+ Rotary Clubs supports education. More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Working close to home, Marlin Rotary’s goal is to strengthen the capacity of our community to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy.