Rotary Winner: David Kluck
In 1960 at a Fall school fair, a little girl won the frozen 20-lb. turkey with the purchase of a 25-cent ticket - just in time for Thanksgiving! She felt like the family angel! Others have won millions of dollars, and guess what? The excitement of winning was irrefutably there!
So it was when David Kluck won the Rotary Club of Marlin’s drawing on November, 2023. David selected a lawnmower in lieu of the prize offered, an option in accordance with that raffle’s rules.
Congratulations to David Kluck. He joins the 103+ millions of persons in the U.S.A. owning walk-behind mowers.
Over the years, Rotary Club of Marlin has used funds from the drawing of a special item for service projects, such as donations of first aid kits for children, books for pre-K through 2nd grade, awards for RYLA campers, blankets for those in need, plus monetary donations to a food pantry, meals to Haiti, and more. Every year additional funds are awarded as academic scholarships. Last year the Rotary Club added support to a $5,000 vocational scholarship. This year two MISD juniors (and tomorrow’s leaders) have been awarded attendance in a week-long, fully paid camp called Rotary Youth Leadership Awakening.
The excitement of winning a drawing is often shared with family, friends, and neighbors. Rotary Club of Marlin thanks David Kluck of Marlin for his contribution in buying a ticket and, in doing so, helping to bring about excitement for others.